STT Petition

STT Petition News 

Our recent petition (Here is the original link: To act to increase the effectiveness of Natural Resources Wales in halting pollution on the Teifi. - Petitions ( for a more effective and fully-funded NRW is being debated in the Senedd by the Petitions Committee on Monday, the 22nd, at 2pm. Here's a link: - Live-Petitions Committee-22/04/2024 to the Live Senedd TV channel if you'd like to watch.

The response to the petition from Julie James, ex climate change AM can be read here, (welsh version) and our reply to that is available here.

Additional Information:

Levels of pollution on the Teifi are high. Numbers of salmon, otter and other aquatic life are in serious decline.

The Teifi is a Special Area of Conservation that is under threat from pollution and climate change. Data provided by Natural Resources Wales indicate that its poor water quality means 78% of the water bodies in the catchment are classified as poor or moderate under the Water Framework Assessment.

Similarly, large sections of the river are failing phosphate target levels and a study by Natural Resources Wales indicates the Salmon and Lamprey populations are at risk of extinction in the next 15 years.

Climate change has resulted in low water levels in spring and higher water temperatures which have enhanced the growth of algal blooms and depleted oxygen levels in the water.

In 2022 the river experienced 1,889 sewage spills from combined sewage outfalls which lasted 14,079 hours, the 6th worst river in England and Wales for sewage spill duration.

Here is the Welsh Government Research brief created for this Petition