Special Events

From Source to Sea of the Teifi - 9 to 11 August 2024

Source to sea is a river relay from Llyn Teifi to Poppit sands. It is an inclusive journey; walking, cycling and paddling the length of this beautiful river. Collecting bottles of water at the source and carrying them to the sea, visiting communities along the way, and joined by groups from the many tributaries. A flow of people following the flow of the river, celebrating it and making the important point that: The only way for water to get from the source to the sea unpolluted is to convey it in a vessel.

This will take place on:

  • 9th August walking from Llyn Teifi to Lampeter.
  • 10th August cycling from Lampeter to Newcastle Emlyn/Cenarth.
  • 11th August paddling/walking from Llechryd bridge to Poppit sands.

There will be events each evening with a celebration on Poppit sands. We will be talking with people along the way, hearing what the river means to them, how they are affected by its declining health and biodiversity, and what they want for the future.

We hope that the tributary groups will make their own arrangements to collect water from those sources and convey it by whatever means they chose, to join with the main flow of the group as it passes by.

More information will be added to the Source to Sea page as we have it.

Save the Teifi Awareness raising walk August 11 2023

In Summary: on the 11 August 2023, campaigners for Save the Teifi invited members of the public to walk with them along the river bank. Their aim was to raise awareness, and money, for their work in rescuing this beautiful but damaged waterway for future generations. It wasn't just a walk: singers, story-tellers, artists and musicians elevated the proceedings so that it became a celebration while defenders of the river shared their ideas on how to improve the management of toxic waste and make life better for all of us. 

A huge success and £1380 was raised via the Crowdfunder page. Many thanks to everyone invoved.

This is how the Walk was reported in the press: Save The Teifi Walk To Raise Awareness | West Wales Chronicle 

click link here for original Fund raising page: August 11 Walk

Caroline Juler gathered together videos from many people involved with the Aug 11 walk and edited them together

to make this lovely presentation of the problems of the Teifi and the celebrations on the day.

There are many post on Facebook reporting on the day - see this link: SaveTheTeifi | Facebook

“Welcoming Back Teifi Salmon Day” – TBD 2023

11:00 am at St. Dogmaels, Alexandra Gardens/Teifi Net Pool Car Park

West Wales Rivers Trust regret to inform that this event planned for 1st April is postponed until further notice. Rechedule in May hopefully.


A fun event celebrating the return of the Salmon from the Sea at the Teifi estuary. There will be a river blessing, musical performance, group activities and interactive story telling from professional artists.


  • Meet at the carpark, welcome from WWRT and opening talk, musical parade to the net pool and blessing stone near the water’s edge.
  • Historical account of Teifi Salmon from locals; including anglers and coracle fishermen
  • Musical performance and activities.
  • Personal wishes for the Teifi & reflection.
  • Interactive story telling


Open to suggestions, performances, and partners. Please contact nathaniel@westwalesriverstrust.org

Climate - The BIG One - 21 April 2023

On Friday the 21st of April, 100,000 people will be demonstrating in Westminster with a focus on the Climate Crisis, and demanding the government accelerate its action on this.

Climate-concerned individuals and organisationswill be travelling from all over the country and if you want to be a part of that: Coaches will be going from West Wales.


No direct action tactics that impact on thepublic are planned or expected, in order to make the gathering on the 21st of April onwards accessible to all.


Whilst radical direct action may have helped a Climate Emergency be declared, without the demonstrable support of the mass populace, the UK Government will still not act with the urgency required.


Therefore to effect the needed change, the intention is that NGOs, faith groups, community groups, unions, environmental groups and individuals will all join together in Westminster on the 21st of April to create a moment in history. A time and place where a new identity will be founded, one that will show what the people want and what the people need,to those who represent us in Parliament.


See the Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2698429613622458 

More details can be found on this link: http://tinyurl.com/BigOneWestWales

Which includes information about coaches going from West Wales on 21st, and dedicated accommodation in London for those who can stay for the weekend, up to Monday 24th.

Cardigan XR Group are focussing on rivers and hope to have a King Canute type theme or similar as part of the Dirty Water campaign.

Find out more about the Dirty Water Campaign here: Dirty Water Campaign | Rebel Toolkit (extinctionrebellion.uk)

All the national movements which will be supporting The Big One can be seen here on the Big One Supporters list - https://www.facebook.com/XRebellionUK/posts/pfbid02MZ38yaycQQr1BEKwL4yh6CZvM2YFCwL3PhwSdP3eVMfixTkeZm41uxdDggNLqnAjl

So it looks as if The Big One will be BIG!

Britons urged to help monitor state of rivers, streams and canals

Over three days this weekend (14-16 October 2022) people are being asked to visit their local river, lake or stream and make a series of observations about pollution, plastic litter, invasive species that may be present and wildlife in and around the water.

click link: Britons urged to help monitor state of rivers, streams and canals | Rivers | The Guardian

Get full details and download the App from the Planet Patrol Web Site

click link: Autumn Water Watch - Planet Patrol - formerly Plastic Patrol

Help protect your local river - Spring Water Watch 21st - 30th April 2023

Water Watch is a nationwide survey that takes place every spring and autumn to help us assess the overall health of our rivers by recording what we observe in and around them. Between Friday 21st and Sunday 30th April 2023 you can take part in Spring Water Watch by spending just 15 minutes observing your local river and completing our survey. This nationwide health check will help us understand the scale of threats and challenges our waterways face which require urgent attention, to help develop and implement effective solutions – before it’s too late.

Click link: Water Watch - Planet Patrol - formerly Plastic Patrol

Poppit SeaGals Campaign Launch 7 Nov

At St Dogmaels Memorial hall at 7pm.

                1. Watch a Screening of the Rivercide Documentary
                2. A Talk about the West Wales Rivers Trust
                3. Campaign Launch to take action to protect the River Teifi and Poppit Sands 

click link: SeaGals Poster Campaign Launch

See their Facebook page: Poppit Seagals Campaign | Facebook

An introduction to your Local Environmental Record Centre - 17 Jan 2023

In this Free online webinar, we will introduce you to your Local Environmental Record Centre, who we are and what we do, and discuss how we can work together to create a well recorded Wales. West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre (WWBIC) manage a species database for Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, and Ceredigion. They rely on the recording community, most of whom are volunteers, to share their records with them so they can build up a database of species information. This species database provides essential evidence to help put biodiversity at the heart of decision making.  Ceredigion Local Nature Partnership invites you to this Biological Recording Training which will help you make the most of WWBIC resources, and help you be a better wildlife recorder. For details of what the webinar will cover, please see attached invitation.  The training is FREE, should last around an hour and will be delivered through Microsoft Teams on Tuesday 17th of January at 7pm.

You can book your place through

Eventbrite click link: Who are WWBIC? An introduction to your Local Environmental Record Centre Tickets, Tue 17 Jan 2023 at 19:00 | Eventbrite

Llanina Wastewater Treatment Works Open Day - Thu 23rd March

Following multiple requests from various stakeholders, Welsh Water have arranged a specific Ceredigion based Wastewater Treatment Works Open Day. Initially offering the sessions to parties who have voiced interest they will extend to others if spaces allow.


Attendees will be shown around the works, explaining how wastewater gets there, how it is treated and returned to the waterways, including the science behind it all.

These sessions will be on a first come first serve basis, with limited capacity per tour slot. Please note, this session is outside, subject to cancellation in poor weather. Please inform Welsh Water of any accessibility concerns and they will discuss further.


Please register your interest by emailing @River Quality Liaison and Welsh Water will be in touch.

See pdf version of image above:: Llanina Open Day 23-Mar-2023

ATeifi Valley Trail - Immersive Story Studio  25 & 26 March 2023

Exciting event coming up - lots to get involved in, suitable for all ages - we will be creating exciting, creative environments about the river 

Tysul Hall, Llandysul SA44 4QL

Plenty of free parking a short walk away by St Tysul church - take the left turn between the police station and the bus stops/ public toilets down to the car park otherwise there’s parking along the roadside nearer to the village hall.

Wear plenty of layers otherwise it will be rubber chicken time to warm everyone up. if you know you know

See FB post: Facebook

Citizen Science 15 April 2023

Everyone is welcome to attend CUPHAT’s Coastal Uplands: Heritage and Tourism Citizen Science Day on 15 April 2023, from 10am to 4pm, in Canolfan Llwynihirion Brynberian.

A series of talks and demonstrations will showcase the rich natural and cultural heritage of the local area and highlight ways that people of all ages can get involved in recording and monitoring important local sites and species.

Citizen science is a way of crowd sourcing information about a local area that asks members of the public to help record and monitor aspects of local heritage. It allows researchers to build a better understanding of local landscapes and the animal and plant species that live there. Throughout the day you can learn how to record local biodiversity, map Welsh language placenames, and run DNA analysis on lichen and fungi. You can learn more about pine martens, discover what’s living in your local streams, find out how LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is used and start documenting changes in the landscape using repeat photography.

This event is free to attend. Refreshments will be provided throughout the day.

See FB post: Ffynnone-Community Resilience in north east Pembrokeshire | Facebook

Hampshire's Test to host the UK's first River Summit

The event, on Tuesday June 13, will begin at 9.30am with a panel of speakers discussing various topics across water scarcity, agricultural and sewage pollution and the environmental impacts of industrial practices in the countryside, followed by a Q&A.

Claire Zambuni, founder of The UK River Summit, said: “We have gathered river people from all different walks of life and professions, enabling conversations and finding solutions. Being at the heart of the water quality debate in everything we do, we saw this as a valuable opportunity to open up this critical discussion to a wider audience.

"With so much anger and outrage in the media surrounding our waterways, we hope this event will not only facilitate lively debate but also collaborative discussion among different stakeholders, all of whom have a passion for our waterways. We invite the public to learn first-hand the issues our rivers are facing and distill our anger to make a positive change.

click link: Hampshire's Test to host the UK's first River Summit | Hampshire Chronicle

CLIMATE MATTERS DAY - Saturday 9th September 2023

Full details can be found on the FB Event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/999957981259309/  and on the Cardigan XR Website: https://xraberteifi.uk/ . Ity's a day of talks and stalls about climate problems and solutions. We hope that some of these will be of particular interest to members.

Saturday 9th September 2023 at Small World Theatre, Cardigan, SA43 1JY.

The day will run from 9.30am to 5pm. You can come to the whole day or any part of it, but please arrive 15 minutes before any talk you would like to attend. So please arrive by 9.45am for the first talk. Many thanks.

The event is being organised by Cardigan Extinction Rebellion (XR).

Suggested donation of £2 - £10 for attending the day or any part of it.


There will be 4 talks looking at different aspects of the problems being faced because of the climate and nature crisis, and how we can move towards solutions. The 4 talks are:

  • 10-11am ‘The Colour of Climate Justice’ by Jeremy Williams, author of Climate Change is Racist: Race, Privilege and the Struggle for Climate Justice.
  • 30-12.30pm ‘Gardening in a Crisis’ by Jake Rayson, a wildlife forest garden designer
  • 30-2.30pm ‘Teifi Estuary in Climate Change’ by Tim Wright who has been monitoring natural process change occurring in the Teifi estuary and at other locations on the Cardigan Bay coast over the past 15-20 years.
  • 3-4pm ‘Climate Science and Activism’ by Dr Hazel Beaumont, a Senior Lecturer in Geoscience, teaching at the University of the West of England.

Hot drinks and food will be available (for donations) in the breaks between talks.


There will be a variety of stalls run by different local groups and organisations which are taking action to respond to the climate and nature crisis in positive ways. The details are still being confirmed, so please return to this website https://xraberteifi.uk/ for updates. 


We also expect there to be these activities:

  • E-bikes to see and how to choose one to suit you
  • Block printing - printing iconic XR images and words on your own clothing, bags or on patches provided. SO REMEMBER TO BRING AN ITEM TO PRINT ON IF YOU’D LIKE TO!
  • An exhibition on the science of climate change
  • Free seeds and trees
  • Badge-making